Tuesday, November 13, 2012

PE2終わりました。PE3, スタート!


PE 2 Reflections
  • Yaaaaay :DDD I think I did this one kind of well!
  • I actually went to office hours! That was such a pleasant experience. Sensei are such subarashii-sensei. I hope they don't read this, because that would make me blush LOL
  • I'm starting to learn to speak more hayaii! How cool is that. I feel so nihonjin. Yeah. Congratulate me. Life is awesome.
  • I think watching anime is really helping. I'm going to keep doing that.
 PE 3 Goals 
  • Most importantly, I definitely want to have Japanese pitch, and not add in random English foreigner pitch changes that totally change meaning of Japanese words. Okay that sentence only sort of made sense. But you get the idea. Hi.
  • I know that in Chinese when foreigners speak with weird pitch, it is really hard to understand. I will no longer let that be a problem for me.
  • I want to start speaking sentences more fluently. As in, form whole sentences, instead of just vocab word + particle fragments, with long pauses in between.
  • I think watching anime would help that one.
  • Definitely going to office hours again this week. Or rather, every week from now on.
  • Going to keep watching anime. I'm starting to pick up words and that is really exciting.
  • I want to try shadowing anime this time. We'll see how that goes. Should be fun!

Monday, November 5, 2012



ぼくは すごいですね!

じゃあ、アニメを みました。いま、フィアーリテールが だいすきです。
なつさんは とてもおもしろいですね。
