Tuesday, November 13, 2012

PE2終わりました。PE3, スタート!


PE 2 Reflections
  • Yaaaaay :DDD I think I did this one kind of well!
  • I actually went to office hours! That was such a pleasant experience. Sensei are such subarashii-sensei. I hope they don't read this, because that would make me blush LOL
  • I'm starting to learn to speak more hayaii! How cool is that. I feel so nihonjin. Yeah. Congratulate me. Life is awesome.
  • I think watching anime is really helping. I'm going to keep doing that.
 PE 3 Goals 
  • Most importantly, I definitely want to have Japanese pitch, and not add in random English foreigner pitch changes that totally change meaning of Japanese words. Okay that sentence only sort of made sense. But you get the idea. Hi.
  • I know that in Chinese when foreigners speak with weird pitch, it is really hard to understand. I will no longer let that be a problem for me.
  • I want to start speaking sentences more fluently. As in, form whole sentences, instead of just vocab word + particle fragments, with long pauses in between.
  • I think watching anime would help that one.
  • Definitely going to office hours again this week. Or rather, every week from now on.
  • Going to keep watching anime. I'm starting to pick up words and that is really exciting.
  • I want to try shadowing anime this time. We'll see how that goes. Should be fun!

Monday, November 5, 2012



ぼくは すごいですね!

じゃあ、アニメを みました。いま、フィアーリテールが だいすきです。
なつさんは とてもおもしろいですね。


Monday, October 22, 2012



せんしゅうのどようびは、ぼくはごぜんじゅういちじとごごろくじから フリストハールで べんきょうしました。ひるごはんは、たべませんでした。でも、ろくじさんじゅっぷんにおきました(はい、すごいですよ)。フリストで あさごはんお たべました。

きょうは、あまりねません。あしたは、けいざいのテストが あります。きょうのばん、フリストは うちですよ。ぼくは くじにうちにかえります。きてくだあい!


Monday, October 15, 2012

!!!PE1 Reflect + PE2 Goal!!! Yaaay !!!!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!

Okay so I really liked the shadowing thing. Never deliberately practiced talking before. Didn't know I could even talk that fast! LOL
Although, my talking is still a little off.
Sounds kinda funny, actually.
We'll see what しばたせんせい has to say about it.

That brings us to....  にばんのPE! Yaaaay!!!!

  1. Talk faster
  2. Less stressing/accenting, more pitching
  3. Talk faster
  4. Make length of moras more consistent, especially during long vowels and tsu breaks
  1. Watch three episodes of anime this week, perhaps more than once each
  2. If more than once, don't look at subs and see what happens
  3. Read dialogues from the textbook to myself on the weekend, when there is no class
  4. Watch some snippets of funny Japanese game shows on Youtube
  5. Do the PE2 assignment LOL

Monday, October 8, 2012

Self Introduction Videooooo :DDDD

みんあさん おはよお!
いまわたしわ スパーハピーです!

Monday, September 24, 2012

PE Goals!! Yaaaaayyyy :D :D :D

OMG. Hi guys. Okay. Since listening to anime and understanding it is the most important accomplishment in life, listening is obviously the number one goal. Also, since speaking Japanese, esp. when eating sushi, would be just so cool, that'll be number two.

Week 1 Goals:
  1. Distinguish long vowels better
  2. Distinguish little つ even when せんせい is not deliberately exaggerating it for us.
  3. Practice speaking in rhythmic moras, instead of in random long/short syllables like in English.
  1. Watch at least 10 minutes of anime every day! Since I watch Naruto, Fairy Tail, and One Piece, all of which are updated weekly, this won't be a problem. I'll even rewatch every episode!
  2. Shadow some anime segments and discuss particularly bad ones with Shibata-sensee.
  3. Read hiragana 10 minutes a day from the textbook or the song Sato-sensee gave us until (eventually) it's like reading English.


はじめまして、みんなさん! リウです。 わたしは だいがく いちねんせい です。 わたしは おすしが だいすきです。どうぞよろしく。

Tuesday, September 18, 2012



Konnichiwa everybody!

I'm Yunfei, or Liu-san, a freshman this year.
I live in Whitman! The best. So ha. Yeah. Go whales.

I'm studying Japanese because I pretty much grew up on Japanese anime.
Yep, that's right. While you were watching Spongebob, I was watching Dragon Ball Z LOL.
Then, in high school, I discovered the art of sushi.
At that moment, I pretty much decided I was going to learn Japanese, become fluent in it, and then go to Japan.

How cool would it be to watch anime without subtitles? Or draw my own manga? Visit Tokugawa Ieyasu's castle? Awesome! It's like the fantasy land of video games is just about to come true!

Anyway, I really like the Japanese program here. It's definitely more engaging than other foreign language experiences I've had so far. I especially like how our sensees are so energetic and how our classes are so small. It's going to be wonderful!

I do find learning so many Hiragana so quickly to be a bit of a challenge, but it's going to be a rewarding challenge! I am so ready to take advantage of the fast pace here and learn like I've never learned before. Yaaay :D